Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hope Rising above the Shattered

Beneath the silence, my heart groans
Deep down, it kills
A smile on the surface but
brokenness lies below
So many questions,
I need an answer.

I know you hurt as much as me
Its ok dear, God is here for us
Everyday brings us one step closer
Everyday our friendship begins to heal
One day it'll all be better
One day the sun will smile

For now, I'll keep hoping
Remembering our beautiful memories
Dreaming about what lies ahead for us
Not forgetting to enjoy the present as well
Yearning for you to smile
Anticipating a word from you

Our book has buried itself in the grave
I will never open it until the time is right
For now, our psalms lay dormant
Our poems and prayers lay silent
Until that day
When our pens bring it back to life

Everyday I fall deeply in love
To the heart that drew itself to me
To the character that first captured me
Though you're far away
It'll never die
Though silent, it'll keep burning

Fret not my beloved friend
It'll be all over
Before you know it
We'll be back into endless chatter
Singing our favourite songs
And fighting in the kitchen

Though long is the time we must wait
At least the silence disappears
After a stormy night
The sun never cease to rise
Whatever comes our way
We'll see it through together