Sunday, February 14, 2010

Silent bursts of Love

Its such a struggle at times not to think about the long wait that awaits us...

Sometimes I wish I could time travel into the future to see if we made it. If what we hoped for and believed in actually happened...

There are times when my emotions take over and I just sit down and cry because I feel like I'm trapped in a box. A teeny-weeny box of anxiety...

At times when I look at you and remember the times we shared our dreams and goals, I can't help to think what a great tool you're gonna be, how God is gonna use you so mightily that you have to sit down and tell yourself that His favour is upon you...

I remember the times we shared our problems, our deepest struggles and sometimes I can't believe that we have such confidence in each other. That we are not afraid to trust each other with our secrets, knowing that one will not betray the other...

Sometimes I think about all the wonderful things we could do together in the future. The amount of book fairs, picnics, historical places, eating escapades, book stores, art galleries, LYPGs (Local Youth Prayer Gathering), nerding around and youth events that we could go to. And that we can serve the Lord together...

Then there are times I anticipate and dread the miles that will eventually separate us, when we are literally halfway across the world. Will we remain strong?

Deep down, if there's one powerful thing we share, it would be the One above working in our lives, changing us from glory to glory, thus strengthening the ropes of our friendship. Though we desire something more, you and I know what's best at the present time...

Trust in Him, wait and pray, my dear friend cause one day, we're gonna look back at all this and tell ourselves (and each other) that it was worth the wait. That indeed the Lord has blessed us...