Clouded perspective, I'm trying to change it.
My wounded heart, I'm just waiting on the Lord to bring the pieces back to together.
Will not fall into the pit of self-pity, but will count my blessings.
Will try my best not to show emotion.
Feeler, will do my utmost best not to let my emotions rule.
Trying to smile, but underneath it hurts.
Want to fly, but my wings are tied down to the nest.
Lonely, does anybody care?
"To be known is to be loved,
to be loved is to be known"
to be loved is to be known"
Hold on, wait on Him.
Everything will be OK.
My sighing is not hidden from You, O Lord.
Hold me close, I don't want to let You go.
Where would I be without You, Lord?
Who am I?

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