Cruising down memory lane, back when I was 15 and 16. The greatest times of my life!
(gosh, I speak as though I'm 80 already! Maybe I am)
Here were the things I liked:Prawn Mee was my absolute favourite back then (before I came to Selayang and discovered Pan Mee!). Everytime I'd be craving for it, so much so that my mom asked me if I was pregnant! The best one I've ever tasted was in Penang.

These were the moments that I wasn't a loner. When I was given a chance to have best friends.
The Cheetah Girls, the only kind of music I listened to. Plus, I read their books. Their vocals were excellent seriously! And their dance moves were awesome. I also loved their BFF spirit, it always left a hope that one day, I'll find my own group of cheetahlicious girls! (sighh...girly dreams...)
I had this huge crush on Lucas Grabeel! He was the first thing on my mind when I woke up and the last thing when I slept. Everytime I saw him on TV, my heart danced.

This is my favourite song:
AND..... (majortriplequadruple sighhhh...)
AND..... (majortriplequadruple sighhhh...)

Gosh, now when I think back, I wonder how all this was possible? Crushing heavily on something you don't know. I guess thats why they call it a CRUSH!
(honestly, when I look at him, I still smile. but my heart beats for another... *wink*)

JANE AUSTEN. Need I explain more?? ( love you to death...)

Noticed that none of the above had any elements of God or reading the Bible?
This was my life. Pop culture, glitter, perishable things.
Yet, I didn't regret because I think that the past shapes us for the future.
Now I have a greater hunger for God and not these things. Growing up, my interests have changed. And I'm happy.
Until I learn to long for something unperishable, I will not get what I want.
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