There is more to life than what we think is life. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of being complacent. Letting time pass without thinking, just going through the motions and forgetting that in everything we do, we glorify someone greater than us. Greater than this whole universe.
Today, I had to stop and think.
"What am I doing here?"
"Am I going through life without knowing what life is really about?"
As I sat and waited for the answers, I looked outside my window and watched the clouds gliding sleepily across the sky and then shifted my gaze back to my Bible, which was smiling back at me with words of such profound wisdom. And then, slowly, it came.
For me, life is about enjoying a gift that no mortal being can bestow us. Life is a series of events in which we aspire to glorify God in everything that we do or say. Life is about growing, changing and challenging ourselves to reach the full potential that God has placed in our lives. Life is about constant thankfulness to Our Father in Heaven, not wishing that we were like somebody else but enjoying who you are as a person because God did not make a mistake in creating us. We are here for a reason, unique and different as we are.
So as I go through my searching, I ask myself.
"What am I here for?".
Well, this is going to be a question in which I will have to wait for a long period of time before an answer comes from God. But as I visualize it, I see a long road ahead of me. Full of crossroads, petrol stations as well as a destination. As I thought further, I realised that the "crossroads" are life's decisions. Choices that affect us in one way or another. Choices that can either make us or break us. With God's guidance and timing, these choices can sometimes bring us closer to "heaven", so to speak - if we make the right choice.
Then, the petrol stations. For me, it probably symbolizes the fuel from God, that comes from His Word and His love, as well as from His grace and strength to fill and energize us before we find ourselves running on empty. No car, without more than enough fuel can race to its fullest speed and like every other car, sometimes you have to take a while and slow down. And at times, jam the breaks before you crash into your doom.
The destination, is heaven. Or something that the Lord will reveal to me in His time. This place, where birds in the air sing like there's no tomorrow, where rivers of water flow so swifly, sparkling fountains of life. This place called "here" where you truly know God wants you to be, where you feel His peace.
Until I reach this place, there will be the crossroads and the traffic lights. And sometimes the sign boards that guide us to our destination. As well as the police (our spiritual leaders) to keep us on track and at times, to punish us when we need it. Thank God that His grace is sufficient and that His strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Looking back, I can say that there were mistakes I've made in the past. Instances where I've grieved the Holy Spirit with my foolish words, or actions that I've done without thinking. Its time I change my perspective but at the same time, my life has to reflect it as well. Easier said than done, right?
But I'll do it. "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13)
One saturday during YF, we had a guest speaker, Yoshua Chua who took some time with us and tought about the Parable of the Talents. (Matt 25:14-30). As much as it was exciting and very engaging, he said this very important and very profound statement,
"Who you are is God's gift to us, what we become is our gift back to God".
With God's grace, we can reach our potential and be the man (or woman) we were made to be. (Chris Tomlin's "The Way I Was Made" is an inspiration).
Change begins with me. I have to change first if I want to see changes around me.
Impossible? I thought about that at first. But hey, nothing is impossible with God! :)
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